Track Lunge Workout!

by | Feb 20, 2019 | 0 comments

If you are looking for the perfect conditioning piece to get you ready for hiking, I have just the workout for you! Just click the link and enter your email address and this leg building lung burner will be sent your way!

[wpvideo 4WAc2G9r]

This is a fantastic workout that will be challenging, but it will do wonders to make sure that you are trail ready. This was my go-to workout before hiking the PCT in 2018 and neither my wife nor I had any muscle soreness as we adjusted to hiking daily.

This is the best system I have found to keep my hiking shape tip-top throughout the year! It’s perfect for those without hilly terrain nearby and those who like to get a great workout in without spending hours at the gym.


Here’s the link one more time: Track Lunge Program

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Lee Welton