by Lee Welton | May 31, 2019 | Start Here, trailside fitness, Uncategorized
This article was translated from The North Face – Brazil, and was originally written in Portuguese for our friends down south. It is a condensed version of the recent REI interview which you can read here. Photos are from the original post. May 28, 2019 by...
by Lee Welton | Feb 26, 2019 | trailside fitness, Uncategorized
A note to aspiring long distance hikers: I’m here as a guide to help you be successful in your thru-hike. I have thru hiked the PCT injury free* in 2018, and I work as a Personal Trainer and Physical Therapist Assistant for a living. I actually care about you...
by Lee Welton | Jan 15, 2019 | Start Here, trailside fitness, Uncategorized
This post is sponsored by The Dylan Tonkin Show! Dylan is very relatable and his relaxed interview style allows the conversation to come effortlessly with his guests. He has successfully hiked the Pacific Crest Trail in 2018, and the Appalachian Trail in 2016. He...
by Lee Welton | Nov 14, 2018 | trailside fitness, Uncategorized
Highlights We are wired to be more negative thinking than positive thinking Monitor your thoughts for better performance Red light, green light concept What Everyone Needs To Know About Their Brains A lot has been written about preparing mentally for a long distance...
by Lee Welton | Nov 12, 2018 | Start Here, trailside fitness, Uncategorized
Each year, Halfway Anywhere puts out a fantastic PCT hiker survey. While preparing for the PCT, it was a huge resource for me. One of the things that stood out to me is the number of hikers that never finish due to injury, and things hikers wish they would have done...
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