by Lee Welton | Oct 25, 2019 | trailside fitness, Uncategorized
Here’s the latest video! Wow! The response from the first video was incredible and I’m really excited to share this next video with you! In this video, I address the top objections that hikers have for training before a hike: Hikers complete long distance...
by Lee Welton | Oct 21, 2019 | trailside fitness, Uncategorized
Does Training Give You A Leg Up? Hey Hikers! Click here to watch the video! I had an amazing response to the survey I sent out last week! I wanted to speak to your thoughtful responses and give a little more detail about what I’ve been up to. I created a...
by Lee Welton | Aug 20, 2019 | Free Downloads, trailside fitness, Workouts
No Gym Training Program We are giving away a valuable 12 week training program to help prepare you for your next adventure! Best of all, it doesn’t require any gym equipment! What you’ll get: Video links for all of the exercises Beginner, intermediate and...
by Lee Welton | May 15, 2019 | Common Aches and Pains, trailside fitness, Uncategorized
Posterior Tibialis Tendonitis Posterior tibialis tendonitis can be a real pain while hiking! It’s not a big muscle in terms of mass, but it is extremely critical for hiking on rocky terrain and having a stable foot and ankle. The posterior tibialis is an...
by Lee Welton | Mar 28, 2019 | Common Aches and Pains, trailside fitness, Uncategorized
Shin Splints and How to Manage Them Shin Splints are also known as Medial Tibia Stress Syndrome. The tibia, (shin bone) absorbs a lot of the ground impact with each step you take. The tibia ever so slightly bends backward with the ground impact. When it does, it...
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