by Lee Welton | Mar 8, 2020 | Common Aches and Pains, trailside fitness, Uncategorized
Hiking With Plantar Fasciitis Hiking with plantar fasciitis is no picnic! While there can be many causes for plantar fasciitis, this post will focus mainly on the calf muscle and its role in foot motion. Most hikers that have plantar fasciitis will likely have tight...
by Lee Welton | Aug 20, 2019 | Free Downloads, trailside fitness, Workouts
No Gym Training Program We are giving away a valuable 12 week training program to help prepare you for your next adventure! Best of all, it doesn’t require any gym equipment! What you’ll get: Video links for all of the exercises Beginner, intermediate and...
by Lee Welton | May 31, 2019 | Start Here, trailside fitness, Uncategorized
This article was translated from The North Face – Brazil, and was originally written in Portuguese for our friends down south. It is a condensed version of the recent REI interview which you can read here. Photos are from the original post. May 28, 2019 by...
by Lee Welton | May 15, 2019 | Common Aches and Pains, trailside fitness, Uncategorized
Posterior Tibialis Tendonitis Posterior tibialis tendonitis can be a real pain while hiking! It’s not a big muscle in terms of mass, but it is extremely critical for hiking on rocky terrain and having a stable foot and ankle. The posterior tibialis is an...
by Lee Welton | May 6, 2019 | Start Here, trailside fitness, Uncategorized
Can you eat healthy on a long distance hike? Yes, you can eat healthy while hiking long distances! I was recently interviewed by a journalist with REI about my healthy eating style while hiking the Pacific Crest Trail in 2018. I have linked it below and I hope you...
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